Social Activities
From January 2020, Epsom Community Centre will be offering social activity groups. We invite you to join a group, improve your skills and make new friends. You'll be in great company!
A $10 annual fee, payable in January or on joining, covers your membership to all social activities at Epsom Community Centre during that year.
Once you're a member, you only pay a small per session fee ($3-$8) for each activity you attend.
New members are always welcome and you may join at any time!
2020 special
To celebrate our first year of Social Activities at Epsom Community Centre,
membership in 2020 is FREE!
Epsom Community Centre Bridge Group​
Mondays 9am-12pm
$8 per session
Director: Mary Chamberlain
Bridge is a trick-taking card game played by four players in two competing pairs.
Join Epsom Community Centre Bridge Group and socialise over morning tea and enjoying a game of competitive bridge.
Players of all levels are welcome and partners can be arranged if needed. Includes afternoon tea.
To sign up: Email Lucy Jensen at
For more info contact our
Community Service
Coordinator, Lucy Jensen